This is an Advertising animation for a Vietnamese Pistachio brand - PAM'S, as our first advertising video project that our 3 members hand-made in short 5 weeks.
Our content tells the benefits of the pistachios and we want to focus our content around it. The visual of the television commercial was inspired by the famous Cartoon Network show - The Amazing World of Gumball. We mixed many art forms as well as materials in our artwork: Live Photography, 2D Animation and Motion Graphics as we want to bring colourfulness, cuteness and positivity to our viewers. Here are some of our preview images that were in the video:
Please enjoy watching the full video of the television commercial here. Thank you for watching!
Background/Environmental Editor - Concept Art Developer - Voice Actor (Teacher, Student): Nguyễn Kim Phượng
Motion Graphics Designer - FX/ Main Video Editor - Voice actor ( Students): Hồ Minh Thu
2D Animator: Nguyễn Thủy Tiên

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